August 15, 2020

¿Qué tenemos que conocer del Shopper y su relación con los Exhibidores?

Nowadays, companies continue to invest much more in research relacionado con el  Consumo, la imagen, exhibidores y comunicación de la marca y muy poco en relación a cómo la gente toma sus decisiones de compra. 

Businesses know a lot about their consumers but very little about their shoppers.  The understanding the shopper ranges from the more general concerning the category to the more specific; es por eso, que  debemos saber no sólo cómo y cuándo compra las marcas de una categoría, sino también qué otras categorías compra, categorías complementarias para la misma ocasión de consumo. (ej: Ron y Coca-Cola) ó; por el contrario, ¿Existen categorías sustitutas? 

In a study, it was determined that in one of the markets, rice and pasta were alternative for a certain profile of Shoppers, especially when given the opportunity to compare lower prices. The obvious recommendation that had a positive impact on sales was to place those two categories in different aisles; For this reason, we must have these different answers to be able to create strategies.

Here are some examples of questions that we must answer to get to know our shopper:

  • How does the Shopper feel towards our brand/category?
  • How does the Shopper decide on the brand and its different presentations?
  • How should the brand be displayed and where?
  • ¿Inspira exploración y tiempo de evaluación como pueden ser las botanas y helados o es  una categoría destino y algo aburrida como los detergentes? 
  • Do people buy one or more brands or references of the same category to meet their needs? 
  • How much does a hook Item promotion appeal to them?
  • How important is their shopping experience? 

Kotler mentions in his book "Marketing 4.0" that the recipients of messages go through six stages and, as a brand, it is extremely important to distinguish what stage your Shopper is in. 

The 6 stages:

  1. Awareness: That the Shopper keeps my brand in mind.
  2. Knowledge: To know the details of my product.
  3. Liking: I like or dislike the product.
  4. Preference: Which one do I identify with?
  5. Conviction: I know the product is good.
  6. Purchase: When the Shopper gets the product.

True connection is when the shopper performs an action.

Below are three types of appeals to our shopper that as a brand we can make in order to generate loyalty:
a) Rational appeal is the one that explains to the Shopper the real usefulness that can be found in the advertised product or service. In the case of this advertising, the main role is for the product and everything revolves around it.

b) Emotional appeal is the one associated with the feelings of the shoppers and this is how you conquer them.

c) Educational appeal is the one that develops commercial and methodological strategies foreseeing educational interests. 

For my message to really make an impact on my shopper it must be well structured, so that it will be difficult for the shopper to lose track of me.

In conclusion, to have a better understanding of our shopper shoppers and how they relate to our brand, it is necessary to know their interests and preferences, which tell us why they consume our product. In order to conquer the shopper, we need to create a shopping experience that connects with them.

As human beings we make decisions with our limbic system, the part of the brain that is responsible for handling emotions; That is why, in order to create a good shopping experience, we must involve all five senses. 

Article by Ernesto Amescua
Director AIM & Penka

Start now to conquer your shopper with a great shopping experience

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