Coca-Cola Protective Masks (Traditional Channel)

Producer and distributor of soft drinks with a presence in 180 countries around the world.
AIM Solution
Experiential Marketing


Find new ways to support small businesses to be even more protected in times of contingency, making themselves and their customers feel safe.


Working as a team with Coca-Cola, we managed to create different items to help protect both retailers and their customers so that they could continue to operate now protected from COVID-19.

The Protective Masks were designed and produced by AIM for each retailer to wear, in order to continue serving their customers safely and provide confidence.


Coca-Cola managed to further protect its retail customers in a very effective way, who were not forced to close their businesses to offer their services and provide for their families. The acceptance of the protective masks was very positive by retailers and has been adopted by many other companies from different sectors, with the same objective.

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