April 22, 2024

How do POS displays help shopper marketing?


In today's dynamic world of retail, where competition is fierce and consumer attention is a scarce commodity, brands are constantly seeking innovative strategies to stand out at the point of sale and win over buyers. In this scenario, point-of-sale displays (POS) have become strategic allies for shopper marketing, since they are the first physical contact that the consumer has with the product.

POS displays are versatile tools that can:

  • Increase brand memory by 75%: An eye-catching, well-designed display can dominate the point of sale and capture the attention of the shopper in the aisle. A recent study revealed that POS displays can increase brand recall by 75%, which translates into greater consumer recognition and preference.
  • Communicate key product information by 42% more: The displays allow the features, benefits and prices of the products to be presented clearly and concisely, facilitating the purchasing decision. A POPAI (Point-of-Purchase Association International) study found that POS displays can increase product understanding by 42%, leading to a higher sales conversion rate.
  • Promover ofertas y descuentos en un 18% más: Los exhibidores son ideales para comunicar promociones especiales y descuentos, incentivando la compra impulsiva. Un estudio de Deloitte mostró que los exhibidores PDV pueden incrementar las ventas impulsivas en un 18%, lo que genera un aumento inmediato.
  • They reinforce brand identity by 12% more: A display with a design consistent with the brand image helps create a memorable and coherent shopping experience. A Harvard Business Review study found that POS displays can strengthen brand identity by 12%, building loyalty and trust among consumers.

To maximize the impact of displays in shopper marketing, it is important to:

1. Consider the target audience: Adapt the design, message and location of the display to the characteristics and preferences of the target shopper. Remember that consumers make purchasing decisions in seconds, so the message must be clear, concise and attractive to the target audience.

2. Strategically locate: Position displays in high traffic and visibility areas within the point of sale, maximizing their impact. Locate displays in high-traffic areas, such as near the entrance, in main aisles, or in front of complementary products.

3. Renew and update: Keep displays updated with fresh information and current promotions, generating continuous interest. Update displays periodically to maintain public attention and reflect the latest product developments.

4. Measure and analyze: Evaluate the performance of displays through metrics such as sales, traffic and customer perception. Use tools like data analytics, QR code tracking, and surveys to measure the impact of your displays and optimize your strategy.

In summary, displays are essential elements in shopper marketing, since they directly influence the purchasing experience and the consumer's final decision. By implementing them strategically and creatively, brands can increase brand awareness, communicate their messages effectively, and ultimately boost their sales.

Additional tips for creating effective POS displays:

  • Use high-quality materials: Displays should be durable and wear-resistant to maintain an attractive, professional appearance throughout the launch.
  • Incorporate technology: Use technologies such as QR codes or augmented reality to interact with consumers and offer more attractive experiences.
  • Personalize the experience: Tailor the message and display design to individual consumer preferences.
  • Train your sales staff: Make sure sales staff are familiar with products and displays to provide accurate information to customers.

By following these tips and using POS displays strategically, brands can create engaging and memorable shopping experiences that drive customer loyalty and sales.

More info in exhibidores.

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