Coolio Island for Chorizos Chimex: its flavor now richer within the reach of the shopper.

Sigma Foods
We are a global company dedicated to providing communities' favorite foods. With a presence in 18 countries, we offer quality products in various categories and prices.
AIM Solution
Innovative Displays


Promote the improved flavors of Sigma's Chorizo Chimex with a striking activation in supermarkets, giving the shopper ideas on how to cook them and what to combine them with.


Diseñamos y produjimos islas combinando Coolios (refrigerador de cartón que enfría) con dos exhibidores metálicos a los lados para productos en caliente, mostrando ideas de como combinar la línea de chorizos CHIMEX con otros productos y cocinar platillos deliciosos. El objetivo es poner al alcance del shopper todos los productos necesarios para preparar alimentos deliciosos con la línea de chorizos Chimex.


The islands were placed in the main aisles of the supermarkets, to have at hand all the products of the CHIMEX line of chorizos as well as other products such as: eggs, tortillas, cheeses. Which are ideal to combine and prepare dishes. QR codes were placed on the graphics that give you more ideas for delicious recipes. Thus, the shopper always has the brand in mind and avoids taking long trips into the supermarket in search of this type of product.

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