CIEL Bottle Racks for the Traditional Channel.

Ciel is the line water of Coca-Cola from Mexico. It was born more than 10 years ago and has various portfolio options for daily hydration.
AIM Solution
Innovative Displays


Offer the shopper bottled water in an organized way inside or outside the store, easily accessible and, above all, safe for the retailer.


We designed and produced bottle racks with a 10-cavity capacity, with the option of door or without door depending on where you want to place the rack in the store. If the store has space inside, a rack without a door is placed, since there is no problem that a jug can be stolen. If it is decided to place the rack outside the store, there is the option with a fence that prevents the jugs from being stolen. In addition, placing it outside helps to draw the shopper's attention, indicating that CIEL purified water is sold in this store without the need for POP materials.


In addition, the Ciel water jugs have an exclusive space and are more organized, allowing shoppers to access them easily. With the rack with fence option, it is a way to give the retailer security that they will not be stolen, and they can have them outside the store, giving them space inside the store for other products or displays. The racks, being outside the store, function as advertising for the shopper and let them know that they can find CIEL purified water there.

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