The use of POP material and point-of-sale displaysis one of the most effective marketing tools at the point ofsale.
In manycases, the difficult part is finding the right point of sale so that ourExhibition meets its objective and we can increase our sales.
In thisarticle, we will discuss the 10 most common mistakes you can make whendisplaying your products at the point of sale.
Would you buy chocolates that are placed next to alcoholic beverages?
Your chocolates, seen in conjunction with an alcohol-based product, notonly do not encourage purchases, but can cause the shopper to move away fromour display and look for a product from our competition.
For this reason, we must carefully analyze where we want to place ourproduct(s).
POP material is intended to attract the Shopper's attention so thatwhen he or she walks through the different aisles of the store he or she stopsand looks at the product that is on the display or shelf that attracted him orher; in this way he or she becomes a potential consumer of the product. On theother hand, it is also useful to inform our target audience about a specialoffer, as well as any other initiative that encourages them to buy.
“Flyers(20%), special displays and shelf ads (10%) are the materials with the highestlevel of influence on shoppers.” 1
Mistake #3: Placing theproduct on a counter far from the category to which it belongs
It is important to mention that the way in which the products are located at the point of sale is not a coincidence behind all this. There is a merchandising strategy; therefore, it is very common to find soft drinks next to snacks in a supermarket. The goal is to maximize the profitability of the product for sale, depending on the type of store and the target. If you place the product in any free and dirty space, it can have a negative impact on sales and on the image of your brand.
Mistake #4: Not highlighting promotions
Another very common mistake happens when we forget to highlight the promotions we havein stock and our clients do not find out about the offers we have available tothem.
This is amistake, because if an offer goes unnoticed by our customers, it is as if itdid not exist. To prevent this from happening, it is important to work verywell on the signage at the point of sale.
Mistake #5: Neglecting the assembly.
Another factor that greatly influences the success of the display is the assembly or visual communication you convey through it to buyers, so they understand the main value and qualities of the product.
"At the Point of Sale, of the total eye fixations of shoppers, 13% are directed at POP materials."
Mistake #6: Saturation.
For the customer to locate the product, it's not necessary to saturate; if we overload the shelf, the product may become imperceptible.
Mistake #7: Not taking advantage of cross-selling.
When we manage to attract our future customer, it's the ideal time to leverage their attention and offer something that complements their purchase, either with an offer or simply by informing them of the advantages the complementary product will provide.
Mistake #8: Not believing in technology.
Technology at the point of sale is a means, not an end; it's necessary to analyze how technology can help us.
Over time, various tools have emerged to help us monitor and manage our points of sale.
Don't be afraid of technology and invest in something that facilitates the process.
Mistake #9: More is not better.
The POP Strategy is ideal for attracting consumers; however, this doesn't mean we should take the liberty to create many POP materials.
"86% of purchase decisions are made in-store. For some categories, the shopper already has planned purchases but prefers to decide on the shelf which brand to choose."
Mistake #10: Not knowing which areas of your business have the most activity.
If your business has various points of sale, you can use them to know which areas have the most activity, which items attract consumers the most, or which aren't selling as well because their point of sale might not be working.
Using Displays and POP Material to present your products at the point of sale is a very appealing strategy to generate curiosity and create great experiences between your brand and main consumers.
It's important to prevent the previously mentioned mistakes so that your campaign has a greater impact and your brand stands out much more.